JPIP is known for :

Seminars and Conferences held at JPIP :
- IQ Controversy( A National Seminar) : January 1988
- IQ Controversy : 1990
- Nature and Nurture of Intelligence(at the occasion of First Indian Mensa Meet(IM) : January, 1993
- Identification and Nurture of Intelligence( 8th conference of Marathi Manas – ShastraParishad) : January, 1994
- Development of research proposals in Psychology and Education : 1997
- Thesis writing and evaluation : 1999
- Research Methodology : 2004
- National Seminar on ICIT Testing and beyond : 2005
- Orientation towards Psychological Testing : 2006
- Concept of Intelligence in Modern Psychology : 2008
- Specialties of boarding Students : 2008
- Intelligence(Concept of development) : 2008
- National Seminar on ‘ICIT Testing and Beyond’ : 2010
- Beyond Horizons(Giftedness in 21st Century) : 2013
- National seminar on Quality of life: concept, measurement and enhancement: 2017