JPIP is one of the few institutes in India devoted to applied research in Psychology. Savitribai Phule Pune University recognizes the institute as Research and Ph. D. centre since 1980. As an extension and application of research, academic activities are undertaken.In the post-independence period, our country faced many challenges related to education. After globalization, problems in the educational field took a new turn. As an attempt to intervene in this, with vast research experience in the areas of psychology and education, JPIP initially started the Post Graduate Diploma in School Psychology in 1993. This is one of the rarest courses in School Psychology. It not only focuses the remedial or curative work with students but aims all-round development and well-being of students. As a part of this, life skills development, thinking skills development, self-study skills development is also focused upon. The course is a one-year full-time diploma that is recognized by Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). It aims at developing trained personnel in the field of School Psychology. Over 400 students have completed this practically orientated, immensely useful course. They are contributing to the area in the capacity of Principals, Counselors, School Psychologists and Consultants.

Section Head
Dr.Dhanashree Sowani
M.A., NET, Ph.D.
MIMH Certificate course in Counselling
Academic Head
- Experienced teachers / resource persons
- Learner friendly methods and content articulation
- More emphasis upon practical experience
- Flexibility in designing the courses/ programs as per needs of the society
- Innovative teaching methods
- Well-equipped psychological test laboratory and library
- Exposure to various psychological tools
What we offer?
- P.G. Diploma in School Psychology (Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
- Psychology & Nurture of Giftedness
(Previously knows as – Education of the Gifted : Methods and Strategies )
- Child & Adolescent Psychology : Enhancing Potentials ( CAPEP )( Autonomous Certificate Course)
- Ph.D. ( Affiliated to SPPU )
- Short training programs ( On Demand )
- Internship in Psychology
- Child and Adolescent Psychology Enhancing Potentials (CAPEP)
- Quest for Happiness’(आनंदाची शोधयात्रा)- Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy Training Program
- Orientation to Psychological testing
- Career Advisor training program
- In depth training in Research Methodology
Certificate Course in Child &Adolescent Psychology:Enhancing Potentials
P.G. Diploma in School Psychology
P.G. Diploma in Psychology & Nurture of Giftedness
(Previously known as - Education of the Gifted : Methods and Strategies )
P.G. Diploma in School Psychology
P.G. Diploma in Psychology and Nurture of Giftedness
Success Stories
The CAPEP Programmes (modules and activities) is entirely focused on children that gave a glimpse of their physical, intellectual and psychological development. It also introduced various developmental and psychological obstacles children may face. Assignments, Training sessions and activities were case study and experiential learning oriented. Faculty and course coordinator are knowledgeable and very supportive. I had enrolled in this course to learn about the essentials of growth and development of children during their important year. This course will definitely aid me to understand the changes in children’s inner world as my son steps in to adolescents (so called “Teenage”). Moreover, this introductory course has generated enthusiasm in me to learn more about child psychology. This course is valuable for both parents and professionals who are in day-to-day contact with children. The information could be used to identify and issues in children’s growth years.
Jyotsna Bhelegaonkar CAPEP distance course
Experience sharing about distance course : Child and Adolescent Psychology Enhancing Potentials
Experience sharing about Post Graduate Diploma in School Psychology