Prof. Dr. Usha Khire - A leading researcher in Psychology and Education from Pune, India

We are grieved to announce the demise of Prof. Usha Khire of Jnana Prabodhini. A career spanning over fifty years, Ushatai as she was fondly called by one and all, Dr. Khire was a leading light for many in the field of psychology, education, and well-being. After receiving her Ph.D. in Psychology from Pune University (now SPPU) in 1971, her career was devoted to seeding and nurturing numerous initiatives first at Jnana Prabodhini and later in the sister research institution Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanstha.
Under her visionary leadership, the Jnana Prabodhini Institute of Psychology grew from a small research Centre to a nationally acclaimed Centre of excellence. She was the Director of the project for construction of 120 psychological tests based on Guilford’s concept of Structure-of-Intellect. The model later was used to assess aptitudes for career guidance. She visualized need of a full-fledged teaching programmes for career counsellors for schools and a programme for nurturing high ability students. Both these post graduate programmes are now the flagship activities of Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanstha. She was a Life member of Jnana Prabodhini and a Founder member of Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanstha. She was also appointed as a member of the Managing Committee Jnana Prabodhini.
She held several positions such as Joint Secretary, Jnana Prabodhini (1986-1988), Secretary, Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanshta (1986-2008), President Marathi Manas-Shastra Parishad (1994-1996) and the National Supervisory Psychologist – Mensa India – a branch of international organization working for intellectually high ability persons (till 2012).
Her publications include several books and research papers on intelligence, giftedness, creativity, and nurturance of intelligence. Her contribution was acknowledged with several awards, the prominent being the Fulbright Senior Research Fellow, 1990, Life-time Achievement Award by Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Values and Thoughts (GIF–Singapore) (2010) and Maitra Manache Award by Sigmund Freud Mental Health Research and Psycho Analysis Institute, Pune; Indian Psychiatric Society, Pune and Pune Psychiatrist Association, Pune (2019). Nine students completed PhDs under her guidance. Her latest co-authored book “Khire, U., Sowani, D. (2021). Intelligence, Creativity and Giftedness: An Indian Perspective, Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House” is probably the first few books on this topic, encompassing the Indian and the western concepts in intelligence.
Prof. Usha Khire was a friend, philosopher, and a mentor to one and many. Her compassionate interactions with all, devotion to work, insistence on systematic approach to work, calmness despite adversities and enthusiasm even at the ripe age of ninety will continue to inspire many of her students, researchers, teachers, and volunteers at Jnana Prabodhini across India and the globe.
Our deepest respects for her contributions. We resolve to continue to work on the path she has shown to us.