Name : Prof. Dr. Usha Khire                                                                                                                                                                                                    Designation : Hon. Professor                                                                                                                                                                                                Email : [email protected]                                                                                                                                                                                      Educational Qualification : M.A., Ph.D. (Psychology)                                                                                                                                                      Area of specialization : Creativity and nature of intelligence                                                                                                                                                                          Area of current work : Human abilities, educational psychology, psychometry

 Special Training : Has been working in Research Institution right from the beginning, hence teaching was only as a secondary activity and for special courses or Masters’ level.

Taught : Psychometry, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Human Abilities and Individual differences, Contributed in refresher and orientation courses for college teachers, on Multifaceted Intelligence, Creativity, Human Abilities, etc

National Publications : 30

International Publications : Has developed a number of psychological tests individually and through departmental projects. The tests and the Technical Manuals are published but they are not listed here.

National Conferences/Seminars Attended :

  • Organized and Directed
    1. National Seminar on ‘ICIT Testing and Beyond’ (2005) supported by Utrecht University
    2. National Seminar on IQ Controversy (1998) supported by DST
    3. Ist Indian Mensa Meet (IM2) (1992) supported by Mensa
    4. Regional workshop for Ph.D. guides on ‘Writing and Evaluation of Ph.D. Thesis’ supported by UGC.
  • Specially Invited : Was frequently invited in International, National and State level seminars and workshops for opening speech or key-note address or special talks on Creativity, Multiple Intelligence, Giftedness and Nurturing Human Abilities from western and Indian perspective.A few significant and more recent contributions
    1. Advent of Indian Psychology, University of North Maharashtra University, S.V.M., Dhule (Key-note-address) (2003)
    2. Multiple Intelligence : Implications for Education, Nav Rachana Education Society, Vadodara (Opening Speech)
    3. Potential for advanced development : The indicator of giftedness in early adulthood. In the Fifth Asia Pacific Conference on Giftedness. New Delhi : Delhi University Press. (Opening Speech) (1998)
    4. Contributions of Samarth Ramdas to education and psychology. In Fourth International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and Applications. Bangalore : Vivekanand Kendra. (Invited speech) (1987)

Special Achievements/ Awards :

  • Fulbright Senior Research Scholarship (1990) (Under Hays Act)
  • Life Time Achievement Award by Global Indian Foundation’s (Singapore) Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Values and Thoughts (September 2008)

Work Abroad :

  • Visited U.S. as Fulbright Senior Research Scholar. Studied Nature of Behavioural Creativity in S.U.C.B., Buffalo, 1990. Was invited to participate and conduct sessions in the International Research and Networking Conference at Buffalo. Participated in the Mensa Seminars at Chicago and Toronto.
  • Participated in the World Conferences on Gifted and Talented at the Hauge, The Netherlands, 1991.
  • Was specially invited to talk on SOI Model in the International Seminar at Tokyo in 1985.
  • Completed a project in collaboration with Dutch Psychologists.

Important Research Contribution

Construction of Intelligence Tests

  • Lead, directed and participated in the scheme of construction of intelligence tests based on Guilford’s SOI Model covering 120 factors from figural, symbolic, semantic and behavioural content.
  • Directed the Indian Adaptation of Dutch Intelligence Test (RAKIT) (Project sponsored by Free University and University of Utrecht, The Netherlands).
  • Developed a Battery of Computerized Tests for measuring aptitude and giving guidance (first of its kind in the country)
  • Introduced unique tests for assessing creativity and social intelligence, tests suitable to rural children and various age groups.

Other contributions

  • Continued exploration into understanding and developing human abilities. Studied nature of Creativity, Intelligence, Reading Ability.
  • Guided research projects in : Measuring Musical Aptitude, Effect of Yoga on Personality, Effect of Ayurvedic Medicines on Intelligence, Follow-up of the Gifted, Whole Brain Thinking. Improvement of Reading Ability, Comprehensive Child Development and a few others.
  • Recent research contribution : In-service Training Programme for Teachers for Improving their Effectiveness (TQT), Development of Gifted as Related to School Climate, Ability Building Programme for Children and Youth, Effect of Yoga programme on anxiety, QOL and WE, Conceptualization of intelligence and giftedness from Indian perspective (contd.), A study of national security from psychological perspective, Contribution of Saint Samarth Ramdas to education and psychology, Personality questionnaire based on Ayurvedic concept and a few others.

Guidance for Doctoral Researches

  • Story Telling for Developing Child’s Personality
  • Decision Making among Young Adolescents
  • Development of Behavioural Intelligence among the Gifted Students
  • Training in Social Awareness
  • Effect of Sound (Om) on Higher Functions of the Brain
  • Indian Child Intelligence Test for MR and LD
  • Psychometric Properties of a Computerized Test Battery
  • Effects of Parenting Skills on Child’s Mental Abilities
  • Morale, Affiliation, Motive and Perceived Challenges of the Indian Army
  • Projects supported by UGC, NCERT, ICSSR, MACS, SCERT, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Tata Education Trust (TET) and Dutch Universities, as well as parent Organisation.

International collaboration

  • International collaboration with the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) in the field of measurement and development of intelligence. Was specially invited to speak at international forum at Tokyo, Buffalo, Toronto and Chicago. Participated at world conference at the Hague.

Memberships :

  • Trustee, Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanstha
  • Member, Managing Committee, Jnana Prabodhini
  • Member, Mantrana Samiti, Jnana Prabodhini
  • Member, Educational Committee, Innovative Course – ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Education of the Gifted: Methods and Strategies’, supported by UGC, N.Delhi Directed and headed Jnana Prabodhini’s Institute of Psychology for a long time, contributed to its growth reaching to the present status of national and international recognition.
  • Secretary, Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanshta (1986-2008)
  • President Marathi Manas-Shastra Parishad (1994-1996)
  • National supervisory psychologist – Mensa India – a branch of International organization working for intellectually superior (till 2012)
  • Advisor to national and state level committees in different educational organizations and universities.
  • Chair Person – Research Ethical Committee – Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune (2002 onwards)
  • Editor Marathi Manas Shastra Parishad (Marathi Psychological Association) (Journal of Psychology) (1992 – 98)
  • Co-Editor – Glimpses of Indian Psychology, Satkaryottejak Sabha, Dhule (2006)

Author of chapter:

  1. Guilford’s SOI Model and Behavioral Intelligence with Special Reference to Creative Behavioral Abilities. In (Eds.) Isaksen, S., Murdock, M, Firestien, R., Treffinger, D., Understanding and Recognizing Creativity : Emergence of a discipline. Ablex Publishing Corp., New Jersey, p369-399, 1993
  2. Potential for Advanced Development. In (Ed.) Maitra, K., Towards Excellence : Developing and Nurturing Giftedness and Talent, New Delhi : Mosaic Book, p 48-72, 2000
  3. Giftedness and Talent in the Indian Context : Nature, Identification and Nurture. In (Ed.) Misra, G., Psychology & Psychoanalysis : History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, Volume XIII, Part 3, N.Delhi : Adage Printers Pvt. Ltd., p 621-660, 2013